
Thursday 1 August 2013

The hare and the tortoise.

Hello my name is lazy tort,I have reason for that because I hardly do anything,the only thing I do is nod my head and eat crunchy grass. My legs are very short so I can not move fast. I have a really good partechin on my back,it is a shell I use it when I hide out from someone or something.So when I am on my farm I can protect my self.

There was a rabbit next door,his name is speedy,he has a reason he has very long legs so he can run and jump. He loved having races and he has never lost  only one time when he came second place,and got a silver medal or the rest is a gold medal.

My next door neighbour is very mean. He said He is so slow, that the first time I saw him I thought he was a rock.  I have seen rocks way good looking than him. His head looks like a cabbage. And his feet look like Brussels sprouts.

One day I was sitting around the fields and speedy was just watching me, and jumping. I crowed to him very slowly. Then I finally I got up to him and said, “Come on you jumping thing. I’m surprised you don’t hop off to sleep.

Then a day later he asked me so much questions that I just ignored him.Then He kept on asking questions,Then suddenly fox jumped out of the bush and he said you guy should have a race.And speedy said I will bet him by miles so ready sit and go.

Then speedy was waiting for lazy tort to move but he got so tired he went and I just watched him go.Then I moved as so fast as I can.Then I saw him look back and he said you are not even half way but i did not care.

Then he said I am getting tired so he sat under a tree. Then when I got up to him he was still sleeping. so I went past quietly as I can. Then I was almost there hurray,Then he wake up and went to the finish line there were only two people wanting for him and said what is my prize and fox said nothing you lost the race while you were sleeping he went past you so you lost.


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